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Detective Division

The Monroe Police Detective Division is the department's major investigative unit. This unit is comprised of 1 Lieutenant, 5 Detectives, including a computer crimes investigator, a Youth Detective in addition to 2 School Resource Officers assigned to Masuk High School and Jockey Hollow Middle School.

The primary responsibility of the Detective Divisions to investigate crime and follow the case through to a successful conclusion. The Division is also responsible for tracking patterns of criminal activity and interacting with the community in areas of drug and crime prevention.

Members of the Detective Division participate in several multi-agency regional task forces pursuing burglary, fraud, drugs and other criminal activities. Regionalizing the process of tracking and solving crime results in a greater rate of solved cases since criminal activity is not usually limited by town borders.

Detectives are specially trained to handle every aspect of an investigation, from crime scene processing including forensic investigative techniques to evidence collection, interviews, warrants and the presentation of the case at court. In the past several years the Detective Division has acquired sophisticated technological equipment allowing investigators to test, process and document evidence and crime scenes using the latest forensic tools including a mobile investigative unit.

The Detective Division offers a fingerprinting service to town residents or those working in town. Please call the Police Department at 203-261-3622 prior to coming to check the availability of a Detective.

The Division also offers a number of programs for the community to help educate the public on crime prevention. Examples of programs include Internet Safety, Stranger Danger, Home Alone, and Child ID. For information about these programs or others that you may be interested in please contact 203-452-2831.

If you have any questions, concerns about a police investigation or information about a crime you know about and would like to report you can call the Monroe Police Detective Division at 203-452-2831.