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Change of Name, Party or Address

Notify the Registrars of Voters if you change your name, party affiliation or move within the town of Monroe. You have to fill out a new Voter Registration Form, which is available online, from the Registrars’ Office or the Town Clerk's Office. If you move to a new Connecticut town or out of state you must re-register in your new town. You cannot continue to vote in Monroe unless you are a Monroe resident, with one exception. If you own property in Monroe that is assessed at a minimum of at least $1,000, you may vote in a referendum by going to the Town Clerk's Office and asking to vote via The Grand List.

Click here for a Voter Registration Form.

This form can be used for changes of Name, Party, or Address within the Town of Monroe
or since it is a State of Connecticut document, it can be used to re-register in your new town. Simply fill it out on the computer, print, and mail to the Registrars of Voters of your new town.


Click here to make changes online.